At SuperPharmacyPlus, we offer multiple methods for placing an order to ensure a convenient shopping experience for all our customers. Our primary ordering system is through our user-friendly website, where you can easily browse our extensive catalog and add items to your cart.

When you're ready to complete your purchase, simply proceed to the checkout page. Here, you'll be prompted to provide essential information including your email address, shipping details, and phone number. This information is crucial for processing your order accurately and keeping you informed about its status. Once you've filled in all necessary details, you can move on to the payment stage.

We offer various secure payment options to suit your preferences. After successfully completing the payment, you'll receive an immediate order confirmation on your screen. Additionally, we'll send you an email confirmation that includes a detailed invoice in PDF format for your records.

We understand that sometimes you might encounter difficulties with the online ordering process. If this happens, please don't hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer service team at Our team is equipped to provide personalized assistance by manually generating an invoice (essentially creating an online order) tailored to your specific needs.

In cases where we create a manual order for you, we'll send you detailed payment instructions. Once we receive your payment, we'll promptly process your order and arrange for shipment. Throughout this process, we'll keep you informed about the status of your order.

At SuperPharmacyPlus, we're committed to making your ordering experience as smooth as possible. If you have any questions or need clarification about our online ordering process, please don't hesitate to contact us at Our team is always ready to assist you and ensure you have a satisfactory shopping experience with us