At SuperPharmacyPlus, we offer a diverse range of products to meet various healthcare needs, from small medications to larger, heavier medical equipment. Due to this product diversity, our shipping policies are designed to balance customer convenience with logistical practicality. While we offer free shipping on select orders over $100, this offer excludes certain large or heavy items due to shipping costs.

To be eligible for free shipping, the order total must exceed $100 after any discounts are applied and only applies to eligible items, typically smaller, standard-sized products. The offer is also limited to specific shipping zones, usually metropolitan areas. Exclusions from free shipping include large medical equipment like wheelchairs and hospital beds, heavy items such as bulk orders of liquids or powders, oversized packages requiring special handling etc.

For orders not qualifying for free shipping, we provide multiple paid shipping options. These options vary based on delivery location, package size, and urgency, and may include standard, express, and courier services. During the checkout process, our system automatically calculates available shipping options, displaying all relevant choices and associated costs, allowing you to select the most suitable option for your needs.

For more information regarding our Free Shipping Policy, please click here.

We strive to provide the most cost-effective shipping solutions for all our customers. If you have any questions about shipping costs for specific items or need assistance with choosing the best shipping option, our customer service team is always ready to help.