At SuperPharmacyPlus, we've implemented a robust order management system to keep you informed throughout your shopping experience. Upon receiving each order, a confirmation email is promptly dispatched. We strongly recommend creating an account on our website, which enables you to access all previous orders and their respective statuses. This account also allows you to track real-time updates, save favorite items, and manage your personal information. If you're unable to locate your order confirmation initially, we advise checking multiple email addresses and your spam folder to ensure it hasn't been delivered to an unexpected location. Our system categorizes order statuses as Processing, Pending Dispatch and Shipped, providing you with clear updates at each stage.
If you remain uncertain about your order status or can't find your confirmation, please don't hesitate to reach out to our online team at We're committed to providing a transparent and stress-free shopping experience, and our customer service team is always ready to assist you with any questions or concerns about your order.