At SuperPharmacyPlus, we prioritize convenient and secure delivery for all our customers. By default, all orders are designated as "Authority to Leave" (ATL) to ensure efficient delivery. This means couriers are authorized to leave parcels at the delivery address without a signature, typically in safe, dry areas such as front porches or behind screen doors.. ATL reduces missed deliveries and is convenient for customers who aren't home during delivery hours.
However, customers can opt out and request signature-required delivery during checkout or contact our customer service team to change ATL status on existing orders. You can also provide specific delivery instructions during the ordering process, please note that ATL is not recommended for high-value items. Once a package is delivered under ATL, it becomes the customer's responsibility. For apartment or office deliveries, ATL may not apply in certain multi-unit buildings, and packages may be left with building management or in designated parcel rooms. Our couriers are trained to protect packages from weather when possible, but you may want to consider weather-proof delivery instructions for rainy seasons. Understanding our ATL policy helps you make informed decisions about your delivery preferences and ensures the safe receipt of your SuperPharmacyPlus orders.